
Sunday, August 21, 2011

School for scamdal

Is Pakistan smarter than India? It would appear so. Compare the export initiative shown by the two countries. Over the years, Pakistan has become extremely proficient at exporting its biggest product. Indeed, Pakistan has become the world's leading exporter of this product, having some time ago overtaken Saudi Arabia, which previously occupied the top slot in this export category that constitutes one of the fastest growing industries in the world today: TERRORISM.

Pakistan is widely acknowledged to be the world's biggest and most efficient exporter of terrorism, a fact known only too well by India which constitutes one of the largest captive markets for Islamabad's main product line. Through aggressive marketing, aimed mainly at the US, Pakistan has turned a dangerous liability into a lucrative asset which helps to keep an otherwise bankrupt economy afloat. By supposedly being America's chief frontline ally in Washington's `war on terror' and its so-called AfPak policy, Islamabad annually extracts billions of dollars from the US. This money, which is meant to be earmarked for anti-terrorist operations is in fact diverted into acquiring more arms for use against India and in setting up more terrorist training camps in Pakistan, the alumni of which will be Islamabad's pawns in its 'proxy war' against New Delhi.

Few marketing experts could have devised a better business model than Pakistan's ISI has done. True, of late there have been a few problems relating to production and distribution systems that have gone awry. Like those `export-reject' garments that turn up in cut-price domestic markets, some of Pakistan's terrorist consignments seem to be boomeranging right back where they came from. Among the notable victims of such `export-reject' terror coming home to roost have been Benazir Bhutto, Punjab governor Salman Taseer and Pakistan's minorities minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, the latter two having been targeted for their vocal opposition to the country's anti-blasphemy laws by which those who renounce Islam can be awarded the death penalty.

However, barring such incidents of collateral damage, Pakistan seems to have done well for itself through its terror industry. How does India shape up in comparison? The answer is: not well at all. Though India has enormous potential, it has failed to tap foreign markets for its own special product. Though many people, including the prime minister, have described the Maoists as the biggest single security threat to the country, and despite secessionist organisations like ULFA and the rise of the so-called `saffron terror', gun-toting terrorism is not the product India specialises in. We specialise in another kind of terrorism: financial terrorism. Except that we don't call it by that name. We call it SCAMS.

Is there any country in the world which produces scams - hawala, fodder, stamp paper, CWG, Adarsh, 2G, Isro - at the rate India seems to? As a nation, we should demand inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records as the country with the highest scam count in the world. You name it, we'll scam it, seems to be our motto. There appears to be no end to our ingenuity for scamming. Why, then, haven't we done what Pakistan has done with terror? Why haven't we exported our scams - and our scamsters - to foreign countries?

The export ministry needs to see how best to incentivise scamming. For instance, indicted scamsters might be granted amnesty if they undertake to relocate to any other country which will have them. Further, like Islamabad which extracts protection money from Washington using the threat of terror, New Delhi could extract similar hafta from the international community using the threat of exported scams. Indeed, as suggested by the case of Rajat Gupta, the Indian-American financial wizard who has been accused of insider trading by the US authorities, the Indian school of scamdal might have already scored its first success.

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