
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Killing Time

Time is a rare commodity you say? And I am supposed to believe you? Come on!
In spite of the following two items I read on Times of from the previous links?

First, the council of ministers in Uttar Pradesh is going to run a probe on Orkut because some communities and individuals have been disrespectful towards the chief minister. 

Second, the eight constables who shook hands with Sanjay Dutt outside the Yervada Jail in Pune are in big trouble. There will be an inquiry run on them. The ninth constable who hugged Dutt has already been suspended. 

Now, here's your chance. Beat the examples I have given here. Tell me the most entertaining piece of news you have read recently. This free and fair contest is open to all and the winner will be announced a week from today.

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