
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Cows Don’t Kiss

It all happened today in the morning, while coming to work. At one of the traffic junctions Rajiv Gandhi Square the traffic got stuck in a jam, primarily caused by the entire bovine population of Jatland crossing the road. One cow came and stood right next to me. Though, the cow calmly stared at me for a second or two, and then let out a mild, well-mannered burp. (Although I was not wearing anything green today, the sight of me must have reminded it of food in some strange, cow-like way.) But what made me reel back was the smell of the burp that the breeze brought in. It was unlike anything I have ever smelt in my life...smelly, nausea-inducing, and utterly revolting. Spare me the laugh! Your breath would stink too if you ate grass all your life and NEVER brushed your teeth! And then like divine revelation, I got enlightened...and thought to myself, ‘Ah! So that’s why cows don’t kiss!’ Poor things.

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